The World of Otomí Embroidery AKA Tenango

Tenango embroidered bedspread

From time to time, I would like to highlight embroidery from different parts of the world. It’s nice to look at things from a different perspective and see what others do outside of our bubble that we live in. This time I want to take a look at Mexican embroidery. I’ve spent a lot of time in Mexico and it’s like my second home. Mexico has many different types of embroidery but I would like to focus on Otomí embroidery, also know as Tenango. Throughout the years, tenangos have gained popularity and are known worldwide.

Tenangos come from a community in Hidalgo, Mexico called Tenango de Doria.

Tenangos are characterized by a burst of colorful threads in the shape of flowers and animals. The designs are drawn onto a cloth by artists and then embroidered. They not only draw the wildlife around them, but sometimes they also draw other situations in their life such as immigration, the planting of the years corn crop, or celebrations like the Day of the Dead. They can be embroidered on various items, but they usually apply these designs to tablecloths, table runners, bed spreads, blouses, and dresses. Cotton thread in bright colors is usually employed for these embroideries and each stitch is small and tightly woven together. It’s a laborious process and a bed spread can take years to complete!

The first Tenango was made by Josefina Jose Tavera. In the 1960’s, there was a severe drought in the area and the community was devastated because they depended on agriculture for their livelihood. Josefina was a single mother with children to support. The story goes that one day she went to the market and saw a piece of cloth. She took it home and drew animals and plants on it and then embroidered it with brightly colored thread. A man came to visit the town and a saw the piece and decided to buy it. On his next trip to the village, he told her he needed more of her pieces because people in Mexico City liked it so much. The demand became so great that she taught other women in the community how to embroider.

Josefina Jose Tavera

Josefina died in 2020 at the age of 87. Her legacy lives on through her embroideries. Tenango embroidery is now considered a national heritage in Mexico and you can find it in many museums. I think her work was wonderful not only because it’s beautiful, but also because she gave a voice to the women in her community.

Throughout the years, because of the rise in popularity, many companies have started using tenango embroidery in their products without proper credit to the Otomí artists. For the Otomí people, it’s very hard to compete against big, wealthy companies. They are still fighting to have their work protected.

If you want to learn how to do this stitch, here is a video I found on YouTube:

I’m also including a link to a class on Domestika that teaches different types of Mexican embroidery. It’s in Spanish but it has English subtitles. I also love and admire Gimena Romero, who is the professor of that course:

Well, I hope everyone has a great week. If you have any more questions about Mexican embroidery or just Mexico in general, Hit me up!


My Sources of Inspiration

Scotland! My #1 place I would like to visit

“It is my responsibility to do what inspires me, in order to inspire others to do what inspires them.” – Tsepiso Mahhubedu

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Different things inspire people . It’s not always the same for everyone and it’s fascinating to me to see sources of inspiration for others. Here’s a list of my sources of inspiration!

My family

My family is my main source of inspiration. Whenever I don’t like a piece I’ve done, my husband or daughter encourage me to keep going and finish it. Most of the time I end up glad that I took their advice.

2) The Ocean

I absolutely adore the ocean. The colors and the sound of the waves as they hit the shore are so soothing to me. I know some people are afraid of the ocean because they can’t see everything it contains. However, that is what’s so intriguing to me. The ocean has treasures and creatures waiting to be discovered. So when I’m not sure what I want to create next, I can use the mystery of the ocean as my muse!

3) Trees and Flowers

Taking walks through the forest also is incredible to me because I love looking at all the plant life. Right now in Michigan it is fall and it’s the most beautiful time of the year because all of the foliage is changing color. It’s truly a marvel to behold! Even driving isn’t so bad. I hate driving but at least I can watch all the trees as I whizz by. (I’m watching the road too! No accidents here!)

4) My doggies

I love all animals with a passion, but my doggies are my life. I have four of them and it’s a ball watching their antics every day. They are also my company while I embroider. My only complaint is that when I ask their opinion about my work, they never answer….Hmph!

5) Music

Man, I love music! I listen to all different genres, but my favorites are Alternative Rock, 80’s rock, country, pop, and reggaeton. I think that music creates bonds between people. Our love of music is something that we all have in common. There are a ton of album covers that I want to embroider. One of these days I will get around to it.

6) Anthropology

If anyone really knows me, they know I have a love for Anthropology. I love learning about other cultures and societies. I took a ton of Anthropology courses in college. The two main cultures that are fascinating to me are the Mayans and the Egyptians. I’ve been to the Mayan pyramids in Mexico and my dream is to make it to Egypt one day. I have several pieces planned to show my love of these cultures.

7) Travel

Thinking about all the places I want to visit gets me thinking creatively also. Some of the places on my bucket list are Scotland, Ireland, Oaxaca Mexico, England, Italy, Greece, Thailand, Egypt, and India. I would love to do some landscape embroidery pieces to represent each of these places. My idea is to do one after I visit each place.

8) Other embroidery artists

Seeing the work that other artists create truly amazes me sometimes. It’s so incredible to see what’s possible and it inspires me to create and experiment. Following are the Instagram handles of some of my favorite artists: , ,,,,,

Let me know in the comments some of your sources of inspiration! See you next week!

Must-Have Embroidery Supplies

My embroidery supplies are just as precious as Smeagol’s ring! lol

I thought I would write a bit today about what one needs to start their embroidery journey. Embroidery doesn’t require a ton of supplies because it’s a pretty simple hobby to start. If someone saw my craft room they may think otherwise, but I promise you that you don’t need that much to get started. I don’t know what happened. There was an explosion and now I have tons of stuff ok. Let’s get on with this!

The Basics

The first thing on my list is fabric. You can use any type of fabric as long as it doesn’t stretch. Any stretching will distort your image. You also want to be careful of any material that will shrink when washed. If you plan on embroidering on clothing, then it’s best to wash the item first before doing any type of stitching. I myself use Kona cotton or calico. Kona cotton comes in a variety of colors and I use calico if I plan on using watercolors. Calico helps the watercolors not bleed as much.

I like to use Susan Bates embroidery hoops while I’m stitching.

An embroidery hoop is a must have because it helps give tension to your fabric. Your fabric should be drum tight. They come in all different sizes and shapes. You pick the size and shape according to the embroidery pattern that you want to do. I personally prefer to use a plastic hoop to stitch in and a wooden one for displaying my finished works. You can stitch in a wooden one, but plastic ones have a lip on them that grab the fabric to keep it from slipping. Side-note: not all plastic hoops have a lip, but the one I suggested above does. As for using the wooden hoop for displaying your artwork- you can leave it plain, paint it, or even stain it to give it a more polished look. I’ve even seen people glue pom poms around the perimeter. I usually leave it plain, but I plan on experimenting with different stains in the future.

Where do I begin with needles?! There are so many that I use. You’re probably saying to yourself…well don’t you only need an embroidery needle? Duh Aisha?! No, no, no- I use many different needles. Starting out, you can just get an embroidery needle, but if you want to do many sorts of stitches then you may find yourself taking on more kinds.

My favorite needle that I use the most is a DMC #5 embroidery needle. I also use a tapestry needle if I want to do any weaving. You also need a beading needle if you want to apply any beads. Milliners needles aren’t absolutely necessary, but they do come in handy when doing a French knot or bullion stitch. One tip with needles is to make sure you pick the right size needle to go with the fabric and thread you’re using. If using one strand of thread, for example, I would use a smaller needle. If you use the wrong size needle, you risk damaging your fabric or your finished artwork may not look as smooth.

Now we’ve arrived at my favorite part-THREAD! If anyone has stepped into my craft room, then they definitely can see my love of thread.

My thread collection that I love. My husband built me this so I could hang all my thread up!

For embroidery, the main type of embroidery floss is called mouline. It comes on a skein and it’s a thread that divides into six individual strands.

The most popular brands are DMC or Anchor. Both of these brands are good but I prefer DMC. Here in the States, it’s very easy to find and you can order it online. When I was living in Mexico, it was very hard to find in stores and I always had to have it shipped to me. When I first started out, I bought floss off of Amazon. Big mistake! I found out the hard way that those ones tangle so much and they’re not as shiny as DMC or Anchor.

Many people don’t even use mouline when doing embroidery. You can use Perle which is a non-divisible thread. DMC has a perle line that comes in a variety of colors and sizes. One can also use sewing thread. A popular brand is Gutermann. I’ve used it and I find it comes in handy when I’m doing needle painting. The type of thread you use depends on the look you want to give your piece, but as I said before, mouline is most prominently used.

Perle thread

Embroidery scissors are a must and they are really simple to acquire. Many embroiders have a huge collection of them because there are a lot of cute ones!

My measly little scissor collection

I personally need to work on my scissor collection! 🙂 The main thing you need to look for is something small and compact with a sharp point. You will also need fabric scissors. Only use these scissors for fabric and only use your embroidery scissors for thread. I also love my pinking shears. They have a zig zag edge and I use them to cut my fabric. There’s nothing I hate more than the edges of my fabric fraying and these scissors help to prevent that.

Pinking shears

Tip: If the blade of your scissors get dull, try cutting pieces of aluminum foil with them and they will be good as new!

Lighting, lighting, lighting! If you don’t have good lighting, then your work won’t come out looking very good. Whether it’s natural light or a lamp, you must have good lighting. I use a table lamp with a white light instead of yellow because it tends to look more natural. Also, if you’re picking out colors for a project, don’t do it at night. The colors don’t look the same as in the daytime in natural light.



Some things that are nice to have, but aren’t a must are an embroidery stand and a needle minder. Embroidery stands grab your hoop for you so that you don’t have to hold it. For me, it’s a must have but when I started out I didn’t have one and it’s not the end of the world if you don’t have one. It’s nice to have both hands free though and it helps relieve any neck or back tension.

Needle minders are also nice to have. They are a magnetized pin that holds your needle for you. That way you don’t have to stick your needle in the arm of the couch and prevent any unfortunate events from happening! LOL! I admit I like them because they come in all sorts of cute designs.

That sums it up for today! I hope you learned a bit. Hit me up if you have any questions. Until next week! I hope you all have an awesome and fulfilling week!

Why Embroidery is Important to Me

“Bordar es encontrar el balance entre lo que soy, lo que veo, y lo que quiero decir.” (Translation: Embroidery is finding the balance between what I am, what I see, and what I want to say.)

Romero, Gimena. Bordado Pictórico. Editorial GG, SL, 2022.

Many people feel that embroidery is only a woman’s art and mostly older women are envisioned as partaking in it. During the pandemic, many people picked up embroidery as a hobby. Everyone was looking for something to keep them busy. Today, women, and even men, embroider and age is not a factor. However, to me, embroidery is so much more than a new hobby or favorite pastime. It is a form of expression, a connection to the past, and it greatly improves my mental health.

Embroidery can be a way to express yourself. I’ve never thought of myself as a creative person. Growing up, I always wished I was able to draw or paint well. I’ve always been attracted to the arts, but I just never thought I had a place in that world. As time has gone by, I have slowly grown more confident in my abilities. I see embroidery as an art form and myself as an artist. The fabric is my canvas and the threads are my paint. The finished product is my voice and what I want to portray to the world.

My interpretation of The Starry Night by Van Gogh!

Embroidery is my connection to the past. My grandmother taught my mother the basics of embroidery. When I was a child, my mom taught me how to embroider also. I used to embroider pillow cases. It wasn’t anything close to what I do today, just simple line work. My journey didn’t last long because the attention spans of children are usually very short. However, I’m grateful to my grandma for teaching my mom, and for my mom teaching me because it’s something that I love to do today! I taught my daughter some basic embroidery stitches when she was younger. It was fun working on samplers together, but as expected, she lost interest. I hope it’s something she will pick back up later on to continue the chain.

My daughter’s first sampler

My mental health has also greatly improved since I started doing embroidery. I find the repetitive motion calming and I tend to get into a zone once I’ve started. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to be fully present and aware of your body and thoughts. I love doing it first thing in the morning because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. In 2020, University College London confirmed that artistic activities can lower cortisol, which is a stress hormone, and it decreases your risk of dementia. Any problems that I’ve experienced throughout the day suddenly don’t seem that important or I’m able to come up with solutions much easier because I have a calm mind. Here is a link to an article about ways embroidery can help mental health If you suffer from anxiety or are stressed out, I definitely recommend embroidery as an option to help.

I’m curious. Do you embroider? If so, what are some reasons that you do it? If you don’t, do you think it would be something you’re interested in learning?