My Sources of Inspiration

Scotland! My #1 place I would like to visit

“It is my responsibility to do what inspires me, in order to inspire others to do what inspires them.” – Tsepiso Mahhubedu

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Different things inspire people . It’s not always the same for everyone and it’s fascinating to me to see sources of inspiration for others. Here’s a list of my sources of inspiration!

My family

My family is my main source of inspiration. Whenever I don’t like a piece I’ve done, my husband or daughter encourage me to keep going and finish it. Most of the time I end up glad that I took their advice.

2) The Ocean

I absolutely adore the ocean. The colors and the sound of the waves as they hit the shore are so soothing to me. I know some people are afraid of the ocean because they can’t see everything it contains. However, that is what’s so intriguing to me. The ocean has treasures and creatures waiting to be discovered. So when I’m not sure what I want to create next, I can use the mystery of the ocean as my muse!

3) Trees and Flowers

Taking walks through the forest also is incredible to me because I love looking at all the plant life. Right now in Michigan it is fall and it’s the most beautiful time of the year because all of the foliage is changing color. It’s truly a marvel to behold! Even driving isn’t so bad. I hate driving but at least I can watch all the trees as I whizz by. (I’m watching the road too! No accidents here!)

4) My doggies

I love all animals with a passion, but my doggies are my life. I have four of them and it’s a ball watching their antics every day. They are also my company while I embroider. My only complaint is that when I ask their opinion about my work, they never answer….Hmph!

5) Music

Man, I love music! I listen to all different genres, but my favorites are Alternative Rock, 80’s rock, country, pop, and reggaeton. I think that music creates bonds between people. Our love of music is something that we all have in common. There are a ton of album covers that I want to embroider. One of these days I will get around to it.

6) Anthropology

If anyone really knows me, they know I have a love for Anthropology. I love learning about other cultures and societies. I took a ton of Anthropology courses in college. The two main cultures that are fascinating to me are the Mayans and the Egyptians. I’ve been to the Mayan pyramids in Mexico and my dream is to make it to Egypt one day. I have several pieces planned to show my love of these cultures.

7) Travel

Thinking about all the places I want to visit gets me thinking creatively also. Some of the places on my bucket list are Scotland, Ireland, Oaxaca Mexico, England, Italy, Greece, Thailand, Egypt, and India. I would love to do some landscape embroidery pieces to represent each of these places. My idea is to do one after I visit each place.

8) Other embroidery artists

Seeing the work that other artists create truly amazes me sometimes. It’s so incredible to see what’s possible and it inspires me to create and experiment. Following are the Instagram handles of some of my favorite artists: , ,,,,,

Let me know in the comments some of your sources of inspiration! See you next week!